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Unofficial Bio (the fancy big one is coming later)

I sometimes think that I'm too many people,

too many people, too many people.

I sometimes think that I'm too many people at once.

                                                               -PetShop Boys

Name: Tsuke Matsumoto

Moniker: Tsukino (yes, it's a girl's name. we know.)

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bi. And how.

Creativity: Actor (and has been since he was 3!)

Appearance: Tsuke can best be described as "pretty." He's fairly androgynous, but not too feminine (unless he wants to be, of course ;-) has green eyes, and short, dark brown hair. His clothing tends towards the gender-neutral, a sort of dressy/casual style that could fit in anywhere.

            *a note on Tsuke’s sword* Tsukino has a traditional katana-style sword that he can use to great effect, which is actually a piece of Eye Candy made for him by Maria. It is magical and becomes a scarf when not in use. Tsukino simply pulls out the piece of cloth at need and it becomes the sword, and turns back into the cloth when he is done with it. Unsurprisingly, he wears the scarf all the time.


Mother-  His mother is tolerant and accepting to the point of mental illness. No matter how odd his friends or how strange his lifestyle, Mrs. Matsumoto will take it with a smile and an ever-ready plate of cookies. All of the kids love her. Of his parents, Tsuke will go to his mother first if he needs anything.

Father- Matsumoto San is very stern and pushes Tsuke hard to fit into the mold he has set for his rather willful son. Unfortunately, the mold in no way suits the boy, and his failure to live up to these expectations blinds his father to his other, considerable skills. Matsumoto is a member of a private security force, and takes great pride in his lineage as a warrior. Tsuke spends a great deal of time not telling his father anything.

Addiction: Heroin. Under the influence of the drug, Tsuke has the delusion of wholeness.

Personality: Tsuke fits in. Everywhere. No matter where or with whom, a single smile endears him to everyone. Because of this, he has had no single group to define himself with or against; he is a part of everything, creating some big identity issues. You really can be too popular. Tsukino does not get into serious relationships, and does not pursue the objects of his desire. A die-hard fan of subtlety, he lets them come to him, and they usually do, quite willingly. He is the same way with violence: Tsukino does not actively start fights, but has no problem provoking them, and if one comes to him, he doesn’t have any qualms about solving it in the most violent way possible. Ironic and coy, he lives off of his looks and wit and enjoys getting reactions. Not a leader naturally, though people naturally look up to him, Tsuke is usually the one who comes up with the best ideas. He feels guilty for having a relatively healthy family life in the face of his friends’ dysfunctional backgrounds. 

Powers: Tsuke has an ability called Emoting that makes whatever Theatre he’s in react to his emotions. Sadness might cause the sky to cloud up and begin raining, anger might induce earthquakes or glass shattering. He also has limited flight within the Theatres.


Koyumi- The source of his heroin and main rival for leadership of the group, he does not return her love, but has casual sex with her. She's really pretty and damn good in bed, which fulfills all his prerequisites nicely. Tsuke also admires her strong sense of self, and given her violent nature, would much rather be on her good side.

Bookwyrm- Tsukino finds himself very attracted to Bookwyrm, and the fact that the enigmatic albino resists him is such a turn-on. Also, Bookwyrm has a very cool, very well stocked home and thus far hasn't objected too strongly to his sister's friends taking advantage of that. He's also funny to listen to, though Tsuke much prefers it when he personally is not the target of the older boy's sarcasm.

Maria- Tsuke is also very attracted to the quiet Still. They’ve known each other since they were toddlers, though neither remembers it, and she is one of a very few people that he feels like “himself” around. Tsuke understands her feelings of being lost to an extent, and thus does his best to help her.

Pük  Pük was the first person that Tsuke met in early adolescence who existed outside of the sheltered group of friends with whom is father encouraged him to associate, especially before going to Amano Academy for the Arts.  Their friendship opened much of the world up to Tsuke’s eyes and for this Puk has a special place in the boy’s heart.  Tsuke loves running rampant through the streets of the city, wreaking havoc and mayhem everywhere, and there is no one better to do that with than the carefree Wayward. Puk is a walking reminder to Tsukino that there exists an entire world outside the box built for him by his parents and society. A very comforting thought to a round peg going crazy in a square hole.

Masakazu- there is a strong rivalry between them, as Tsuke senses that Masakazu is one of the few people who could really kick his butt. This of course also means that the Old Boy has a lot to teach, if he'd get off his high horse already. 

Job:     Tsuke is a good enough actor to get parts in whatever play happens to be going up at the moment. The fit-in-anywhere personality does come in handy. Just walk onstage, become the part, and smile; the directors probably wet themselves the moment they see him. Financially, he’s set.

House: He lives with his parents in a nice, traditional little house.  Everyone gets along just fine.


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Special Note: All material on this page is copyright Abby Estes and Albert Pike. Any copying or other use of this material or ideas is a big NO.