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Had enough of my site? Go, then, my pretties! Go and be free!

The Fifth District A collective of artists, technologist and rogue geniuses.

Art Sites

Mark Harden's Artchive THE place to go to find museum art online. They have practically every big name in the business, plus artist's bios, links to find out more about them, and pretty much anything you could wish for in an Art History reference site. I love it!

                      I've got some stuff up on this site! Another fabulous online source of inspiration, this place is full of up-and-coming digital artists, but be prepared to have your little eyes pop out of their sockets: some of these people will blow you away!!!

Online Comics

                This comic is done by a friend of mine. I actually attend "St. Mega's" college!

                                Another friend's comic. Morbid humor at its best!

Misc Other

Anime Web Turnpike
I love this site! You want anime? You want manga? If someone's made a webpage about it, it's here!

I like fanfiction, do you like fanfiction? This site has everything from anime to comics to TV shows to books to movies to music groups!