Tiger Lily


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Tiger Lily 2.5 (yay, revision)! I know this page looks weirdly different, but I wanted a background that would show the pic off to its best advantage. Let me know what you think of it now. Got rid of the little cloudy things, moved the moth around, added some stars. Sorry the file's kinda small. Is it too small? I DON'T KNOW! AAAAUGH!!!! >runs away<

Highly influenced by Klimt and Amano, I really rather like this one. I need to fiddle with the moth a bit more, but otherwise, I love it. God bless Photoshop. IWhipping these things out in an hour and a half can be draining. >evil laughter<

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Special Note: All artwork is the property of Abby Estes, stealing or copying it in any way without express permission is a big NO.