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                                                  Dramatis Personae:  Koyumi


                                  “If I had scheme for everything, it seems I’d be sure

                              not to change at all.  If I had it in me to stop my random

                                thoughts and my dumb dreams, I could deal with this

                                                         non-stop spinning world.”

                                                                                                -Less Than Jake  

                Note: Koyomi's name has been changed to Koyumi. I know I know, I'm adjusting to it, too, but Koyumi is actually a real name. Whether it is gall, arrogance, determination, or dogged perseverance, Koyumi has convinced herself that her life will only have been worth it if she manages to change the world as much as she possibly can without suffering the indignity of allowing it to change her.  When are our compromises and losses a blessing?


Name:  Koyomi

Age:  17  

Sexuality: Pretty straight-forward.

Creativity: Art (mostly drawing and painting)

Addiction: Cigarrettes.


 Of mixed Japanese/British descent, Koyumi is a collage of a person, most strikingly in her eyes (one so dark grey it’s almost black, the other ice-light blue). Her hair is thick, bleached and dyed varying shades of brown and wavy, just brushing her shoulder blades. There is a small “10/6” tattooed over her left eye. Her main resemblance to Bookwyrm lies in the cheekbones and certain mannerisms. Her style also stands out in New Edo: she clings to London in her fashion sense as well as her heart. Her school uniform is about the only concession to Japanese clothing she will make.

*Choker*- Koyumi’s choker, is a constant in her apparel. She's never seen without it. Ever.


Bookwyrm- Koyumi is the only person allowed to call her brother by his real name: Akira. Bookwyrm's eccentric nature and tendency to get so wrapped up in whatever he's doing that he forgets to eat have led Koyumi to being his caretaker. She comes over and cleans and cooks (when Puk isn't doing it) and generally does her best to make sure he's taking care of himself.  

Mother- She lives with her mother, but Koyumi doesn’t get along with her all too well. The woman is often absent, taking care of whatever business she has, and emotionally distant when she is around. Aside from personality differences, she resents her mother for forcing her to reenter Japanese society, which rejects her for being gaijin. (foreign)                       

Father- It was Daddy dear's affair that caused her parents to divorce, but Koyumi still admires the man. Koyumi loves her Daddy, and likes to make those unfortunate enough to sleep with her fill out the personality tests her psychologist father left behind.

  More details on Koyumi and Bookwyrm's past may be found here. Spoilers!


Tsukino- Koyumi loves Tsuke, though she'd rip a new one in whomever dared to suggest that she was susceptible to something as trite as love. They are always at each other’s throats, vie for leadership, and have casual sex in and outside of their relationship, but she loves him. Perhaps it is his lack of self-definition that calls out to her motherly nature...who knows? She also provides him with the heroin to which he is addicted, delivering it to him in camera film cases. This is a double-edged sword, as she feels guilty for feeding his addiction, but she knows he'd just get it somewhere else, and this way she can at least monitor how much and when he's sticking up.

Maria- Maria’s helpless, child-like personality pulls Koyumi’s aggressive, overprotective mothering out to a greater degree than the others, which Maria either ignores or accepts passively. Koyumi is the first to notice the introvert’s alcohol problem, which she uses to her advantage in guilt-tripping the hapless Still to behave.

Pük- Probably the most healthy, honest relationship Koyomi has, Pük makes her laugh and is someone she can go to when she needs a friendly ear or shoulder to cry on.

Masakazu- At the beginning of their interaction, Koyumi at once dislikes and is fascinated by Masakazu. There is something of her father about him, and she is drawn to his complete self-confidence and power. However he is also blunt and impatient and he and Tsuke are at odds constantly, which she does not approve of. (The irony of that is, of course, completely lost on her.)


              She casts her life and affections in concrete.  Long ago, she believes, Koyumi came to an understanding about the hidden clockwork behind it all, and this left her with a rather jaded outlook in which she makes the utmost effort to have everything she encounters fit into her mode.  Anyone she engages that displays confidence, security, or complacency with their position in life becomes fair game for her “deconstructions”; Koyumi takes great pleasure in deflating people she refers to as “Bubble Happy.” At the same time, she herself is one to wallow in insecurities and faults.  She professes to not believe in things like love, yet is hopelessly in love with Tsukino.  Love is, we should note in her case, very different from sex, and not necessarily interrelated. She sees sex as a bodily function, something as natural as breathing or shitting, and so does it whenever possible, which only serves to complicate her emotional well-being further. Aggressively resisting anything that presents the prospect of changing the groove into which she has mired herself, Koyumi’s main hang-up results from an inability to truly allow anything to affect her emotionally and to thus learn from her mistakes.    

Despite this cold worldview, she is overly protective of her friends and mothers them endlessly.  She loves her friends as a second family, but damned if she ever outwardly admits it.  Often incessant nagging and criticism that she deems as helpful display this aspect of her nature, and in Koyumi’s eyes her peers should feel blessed to be so lucky to hear it from her.  When the others don’t pay heed to her words, she becomes quite hurt and incensed.  She justifies her emotional dependency on the belief that the others need her presence, advice and protection.  Respect is one of the single most influential aspects a person can hold in her eyes, and is also the most difficult to achieve and dire to lose.  

To Koyumi, The Drama represents all that is fluid and insubstantial about her world.  From experience, it has been the one factor possessing the most potential to inflict drastic and negative change on what meager happiness she has managed to scrape together for herself. Because of this, she is violently opposed to its presence in her life, and it is only the risk of being completely left behind by her friends (or, in her mind, the certainty that without her they'd get themselves killed) that spurs her to re-enter the Drama as a member of Chamber Six at all. 


            Aside from making a small living on her paintings, Koyumi pushes drugs for Mad Hatter’s Pharmaceuticals (hence the tattoo) and enjoys it to no end.  Her clientele are not run of the mill junkies and desperate street urchins looking for escapist romps.  She only caters to the upper echelon of society; people who are see drugs as a delicacy, tool for spiritual expansion, or an indication of social grace. But however much she visibly seems to relish in this, she still feels twinges of guilt that are gradually eating away at her.  This is evidenced by the fact that she often uses her buyers as a source for art.  Needless to say, she makes every effort possible to hide her job from Bookwyrm, who (despite his own heavy drug use) would be enraged by the discovery.  


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