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Unofficial Bio!

Name: Maria

Age: 16

Sexuality: Not as such.

Creativity: Eye Candy

Appearance: Maria is very beautiful, but wears a very plain and unkempt haircut and wardrobe. Her hair is black, her features gracefully Japanese. Her most unusual feature is the color of her eyes, which have rosy-peach depths. Her clothes are usually unadorned, solid, and simple. Perhaps a plain pattern, nothing flashy. One stable element is the white. As a Still, she is forced to wear white at all times, or risk criminal punishment and death.  Unaccustomed to the world, her expression is usually one of gentle fear.

Family: Maria’s parents are a tight-knight couple, very industrialist and utilitarian. Maria is an object to them to be used to gain prosperity. They sold her to a Psychology Lab, where she lives 6 months out of the year. The rest she lives at home.

Addiction: Alcohol. Maria is an alcoholic with a capital AA.

Personality: Maria is a Still. She was born dead and is an outcast because of it. She feels guilty for everything. If anything bad happens, anything at all, it is her fault, and she will find a way to rationalize it as such. Maria is also autistic, and has an intricate and imaginative interior world, but cannot connect well with the outside one.  Due to her autism, she has certain motions that she repeats, such as wringing her hands. She has two main habits: drinking and Catholicism. She has an almost incomprehensible stutter, unless she is speaking to close friends, is completely drunk, or her religion or Eye Candy is insulted. She is also extremely intelligent, but doesn’t show it, because she doesn’t want to be treated specially or taken away from her friends at school. Life has taught Maria that to be different is to be ostracized and removed, so she makes it a point to score exactly 77% on everything she does.

Power: Eye Candy. This is a very rare ability, unique to Stills, and is the art of spinning reality: creating non-sentient objects and imbuing them with powers. She created Tsuke's sword/scarf, and it's power is partially dependant on Maria's will. If she wanted, she could make it stop changing.


            Tsukino: Maria and Tsuke have known each other for a long time, though neither of them remember it. Thus, they enjoy each other's presence because it adds an element of security; they just feel complete together. Which makes for interesting tension, considering Maria's autism and Tsuke's selfishness and promiscuity. Tsuke honestly has feelings for her, and is very protective of her happiness. Maria feels the same, though not in a romantic way, but has absolutely no idea how to express any of it. Thus she fumblingly attempts to keep Tsuke happy by doing whatever he wants her to, and feels extremely guilty whenever she has to turn him down.

            Koyumi: Koyumi's self-imposed mother role is a source of constant anxiety to Maria. On the one hand, it is much easier to just accept whatever Koyumi says or demands, but on the occasions that it is impossible to live up to those demands, or Maria just doesn't catch on quick enough, Koyumi's temper terrifies her. She's done a lot for Maria in the past, however, always protecting and standing up for her, and even those few times when Koyumi has been mean, it was certainly with Maria's best interests in mind, so Maria feels gratitude and keeps on trying.

            Bookwyrm: Complex as always, Bookwyrm and Maria have a strange relationship. Since she is the object of his affection, he has made a point of studying her closely, and if there's one thing Bookwyrm's good at, it's analyzing things. Bookwyrm understands the girl better than anyone else, even herself, which is both a blessing and a curse. Maria sees Bookwyrm as this crazy funny guy who she should try to take care of because Koyumi would want her to. 

            Pük: Pük's simple niceness is rather confusing to Maria, compared to everyone else. She knows he goes out of his way to pay attention to her, but often interprets this as teasing, or is just so weirded out by his antics that she can't handle them, and things end badly. He's never actually hurt her, though, and and as long as he's friends with Tsuke and Koyomi, she tolerates his presence. 

Job:   For 6 months out of the year, Maria is a living lab rat for a huge psycho-magical corporation. She gets room, board, and an allowance. It might actually be enough to afford her own place during the half of the year she lives at home, if she didn't spend so much of it on alcohol. The lab doesn't like the gang, seeing them as a bunch of punks and hippies that probably do all sorts of drugs and dangerous things and would put their research in danger. It's funny 'cause it's true.

House: The Psych lab is like a big convalescent home, if you've ever been in one. Each patient has their own room, but it still smells like a hospital and their schedules are completely structured by the lab. Her life at home in her parents' small apartment is not much different, only the structure is now around not being in their way. Her friends frequently stage little rescue missions, busting her out for a few days before her guilt drives her back.


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Special Note: All material on this page, both written and intellectual, is property of Abby Estes and Albert Pike. Any unauthorized use is a big NO.