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This, oh ye Krysolis faithful, (and curious) is Apoidea, my undergrad senior project. Now, these are not the best scans in the world, but they're what I have at the moment. I'm leery about putting the whole thing up online because I don't want any copyright issues. (Grrrr! MY baby!) THEREFORE, I am putting this disclaimer here: This is original work, copyright Abigail Estes. Do NOT take it. EVER. If I see this anywhere, for any reason, that I have not given you express, documented permission for, I will take the whole Krysolis site down and pursue the violating party to every extent available to me. MY BABY!!!

Now that we've got that out of the way, here's the goods. I haven't made a cover that I'm satisfied with yet, so we're just launching right into the good stuff. First off, I'm sorry these scans, again.  I will find a way to get better ones eventually. Secondly, there's information in the edges that (due to scannage) got cut off. It's mostly bees. Many many many bees. The problem with this is that the book was designed to be viewed accordian-style, so many of the pages bleed together, thus making cut off edges more problematic. Such is life. Some of the more important ones I've gone ahead and put together as best I am able, but in order to keep it so you can read them, I couldn't really make the pages smaller, so those files are quite big. I apologize to those unfortunates laboring under dial-up.

Ok, enough talking me! On with the show!

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