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Hello, and welcome to my web page!
I'm Abby Estes, an illustrator, sequential and graphic artist based in NYC. This website is the home of my online portfolio, as well as information on an ongoing project of mine, Krysolis. Please visit the links to the left there for more information on Krysolis, my other work, and my resume. Please feel free to email me or drop by my livejournal Nautilus Central.

August, 2004: Well, I have completed a series of illustrations for the play The End of the Line, which is being performed as part of the NY Fringe Festival.
If you'd like to see the work, please click here,

Also, I have participated in the creation of a Collective of talented persons, The Fifth District. The site is under heavy construction at the moment, so there's not much to see yet. We're working on getting everything together, and have several creative projects in the wings already so stay tuned for more!

And, for Joe and Dawn, the return of The Wedding Page!

All images and intellectual content on this site are copyright Abigail Estes and, when associated with Krysolis, EdE Pike. Unauthorized use is prohibited.